No.1 In C Major-Agitato  Cortot: Feverish anticipation of loved ones Bülow: Reunion
No.2 In A Minor-Lento Painful meditation; the distant, deserted sea... / Presentiment of death
No.3 In G Major-Vivace The singing of the stream / Thou Art So Like a Flower
No.4 In E Minor-Largo Above a grave / Suffocation
No.5 In D Major-Molto allegro Tree full of songs / Uncertainty
No.6 In B Minor-Lento assai Homesickness / Tolling bells
No.7 In A Major-Andantino Sensational memories float like perfume through my mind... / The Polish dancer
No.8 In F Sharp Minor-Molto agitato The snow falls, the wind screams, and the storm rages; yet in my sad heart, the tempest is the worst to behold / Desperation
No.9 In E Major-Largo Prophetic voices / Vision
No.10 In C Sharp Minor-Molto allegro Rockets that fall back down to earth / The night moth
No.11 In B Major-Vivace Desire of a young girl / The dragonfly
No.12 In G Sharp Minor-Presto Night ride / The duel

No.13 In F Sharp Major-Lento On foreign soil, under a night of stars, thinking of my beloved faraway / Loss
No.14 In E Flat Minor-Allegro Fear / Stormy sea
No.15 In D Flat Major-Sostenuto But Death is here, in the shadows / Raindrop
No.16 In B Flat Minor-Presto con fuoco Descent into the abyss / Hades
No.17 In A Flat Major-Allegretto She told me, "I love you" / Scene on the Place de Notre-Dame de Paris

No.18 In F Minor-Molto allegro ivine curses / Suicide
No.19 In E Flat Major-Vivace Wings, wings, that I may flee to you, o my beloved! / Heartfelt happiness

No.20 In C Minor-Largo Funerals / Funeral march
No.21 In B Flat Major-Cantabile Solitary return, to the place of confession / Sunday
No.22 In G Minor-Molto agitato Rebellion / Impatience
No.23 In F Major-Moderato Playing water faeries / A pleasure boat
No.24 In D Minor-Allegro appassionato of blood, of earthly pleasure, of death / the storm

요즘엔 계속 아르헤리치 연주를 듣고 있다

Chopin preludes Op. 28

24곡에 부제가 달려있는데, 이건 쇼팽 사후 피아니스트이자 지휘자인 한스 폰 뷜로와 알프레드 코르토가 개인적 감상을 붙인 것이라 한다. 두 명이 붙였으니 당연히 부제도 두 개 씩. 위키피디아에서 긁어 옴. 다른것 같으면서도 비슷한 것도 있고, 재밌다. 뷜로 것이 마음에 든다. 어차피 쇼팽이 붙인 것도 아니니 상관없지 않나? 생각함

하나로 된 33분짜리 동영상이 있어서, 그걸 틀어놓고 잤는데, 어젠가 그제 동영상 차단 됨... 뿔테 안경 쓰고 귀엽게 나온 영상이었는데 이런 젠장 

by 하완 일기 2017. 10. 29. 15:19